Fitness Friday

Clearly I didn’t hit my yoga quota for the week.  I planned on Wednesday and Thursday and then had back trouble that kept me from all exercise so as to give my body the rest it seemed to be craving.  But really, I feel like exercise was lacking this week and I want to kick it up again.  (Just to clarify when I say exercise was lacking, I mean the intensity, not the quantity.)  I’ve been debating starting LiveFit from the beginning again but then Janetha was talking about the FitMixer virtual bootcamp that now I’m debating.  Unlike LiveFit it costs money but you get a good amount for your money and their RD will be at BLEND which is pretty cool.  I’m debating it…I mean, I did just get my tax refund. 😉

Either way though, I need to get inspired by my workouts again and I need to use a GroupOn I have for yoga.  I need to stop making excuses and just make it happen.  I’ll feel better mentally, emotionally and physically when I do.

How were your workouts this week?

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4 Responses to Fitness Friday

  1. janetha says:

    Yay for tax refunds! I get one for the first time in 5 years!

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