I woke up with a headache…

Now, before all of you start throwing out your “too many drinks yesterday, huh?” comments, I should stop you.  This is what my day looked like:

4:30am – wake up

6:00am – 3:00pm – working

3:30pm – home from work, ate a snack and started reading blogs while relaxing in bed

4:30/4:45/5pm – somewhere in here I passed out.  And I do mean passed out.

8:00am – finally rolled out of bed to make my starving stomach some food

Apparently that’s what being tired looks like and I think the headache is from a lack of food + water in that 15 hour time period.  And no, I did not sleep straight through that time.  I woke up about every 4-5 hours, took a small sip of water, heard my stomach growl and fell back asleep.

Anyway, I was originally scheduled to work today but to save myself 11 days in a row, I was given today off and prepared the store for the next two days and for my return on Monday.  And seeing as today is the LA Marathon, I’m super lucky to have the day off since it ends right by my work and traffic will just be a nightmare.   And because of that, I’m thinking about spending my day inside, relaxing, and going through things to give away / sell.

And if I’m feeling adventurous, I’ll make my way to Target to drop off a prescription and pick up a few things.  My friend called me last night to see if I wanted to go with her and I didn’t think I needed anything, only to remember when I woke up this morning that I do.  Likely story.

I hope you all have a relaxing Sunday and aren’t spending too much of your day recovering! 😉

What’d you do for St. Patrick’s Day?

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