It All Ended Too Quickly

Upon going to bed Saturday night, I prepared myself for some major soreness Sunday morning and was sure to drink a lot of water.  It was to my pleasant surprise that I felt pretty good Sunday morning and was ready for Boot camp #2, this time provided by the Chobani Fit team.

I began with the same pre-workout breakfast I started with on Saturday (coffee + granola bar).  The ChobaniFit girls did an amazing job kicking our butts while allowing us to also have a great time!

We had about 30 minutes for a quick shower before making our way to breakfast: sponsored by Chobani!  We had a similar spread to Saturday’s breakfast but with a much wider variety of Chobani yogurt, of course.  It was a tough decision but ultimately I decided on 1/2 a cinnamon raisin bagel with peanut butter, a pile of fruit and a Blood Orange Chobani topped with LoveGrown foods raisin granola.

Oh and don’t forget the Green Mountain Coffee with almond milk on the side.  (Brewed in a Keurig…ha!)

We had a quick raffle, took a group photo and began saying our goodbyes to our new found friends blends.

Photo Courtesy of Ashley at Edible Perspective

After finishing packing, we made our way to finish our goodbyes and wait for the Super Shuttle back to Denver airport.  Thankfully Amanda and I had flights that were around the same time (not until 6pm!) and so we waited outside security at the airport together for several hours.  We got some coffee and found ways to amuse ourselves before making our way to our respective gates.

It was a fabulous weekend where I was able to meet many new friends, have a good time, but also learn a ton!  It gets me excited for more things I want to do on my blog, the FitMixer bootcamp starting next weekend, and to (hopefully) attend again next year.

Ultimately, the whole weekend ended way too quickly.

Want more Blend? Welcome to Blend & Bright and Early & The Flat Iron Hike

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3 Responses to It All Ended Too Quickly

  1. I’m so glad we got to hang out at the airport!! How boring would that have been alone??
    Seriously glad to have been paired up with you roomie! And I wish we lived closer!

  2. janetha says:

    stealing that photo of us! xoxo

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