Push Through

One of the hardest things about growing up is not the process of growing older, but the process of learning to not give up when times get tough.  I’m struggling with this right now.

But the truth is I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s just that when things get tough, it’s hard to not allow your emotions to win and just give up.  I’m working on defeating that mentality.

The good news is I know this is one of those things I can push through.  I know it won’t be easy but I know that I’m determined and don’t like to give up.  Scratch that.  I don’t give up.  I push through.

Whatever your current struggle, whether it be mentally, emotionally or physically, I urge you to not give up and just push through.  We are all growing up on some level and can stand hand in hand and support one another.  Sometimes it’s just knowing someone is there for you.  You’re all there for me as you read, listen and share my daily musings but I’m there for you too.

Push through your current struggle and I’ll push through mine.

Any fun plans for the weekend?

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2 Responses to Push Through

  1. What a great and inspiring post. I am celebrating another birthday this Monday and have begun wondering what am I really doing or what I have done in my life. It seems like with each year, the tough gets tougher. Your post has been inspiring to push through struggles and stay true to yourself. Thank you for that!

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